SEE the 70 Faces of Torah
There is a midrash, a Rabbinic tale, that tells us the Torah has 70 faces. The Rabbis meant that there are a myriad of ways to interpret the messages of the Torah, and why from one year to the next, and from one generation to the next, we can read the same ancient words but understand them in a completely different way.
We began a new cycle of reading the Torah after Simchat Torah, returning once again to Parshat Bereisheet, and for that occasion, we have introduced a new way to learn Torah each week. For the past year we read words of Torah; this year, we will SEE and hear words of Torah from individuals in our congregation. We hope that you will take about a minute each week to learn some Torah from so many different and wonderful voices of our community. Check out our new project: SEE the 70 Faces of Torah!
Joseph & Rory Shoemaker
Jennifer & Tony Eisenhart
Max Berman
Daphne Hubara
Rabbi Moredchai Zvi & Mike Mills
Kate & Rabbi Josh Sherwin