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About Sisterhood Emanu-El

Sisterhood Emanu-El provides a full program of involvement for the modern Jewish woman. The Sisterhood operates our Judaica Shop and provides major financial support for the Synagogue and its Religious School. Our Sisterhood participates in community service activities.

The Sisterhood of Synagogue Emanu-El is a dynamic organization and a vital part of our Synagogue. We are affiliated with the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism founded in 1918 by Mathilde Schechter. Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is an international organization, which provides services to all affiliated women’s groups in Conservative Synagogues in North America and is part of the worldwide Conservative/Masorti Movement. We are one of the 700 Conservative Synagogue Sisterhoods. There are 25 Branches with groups in Israel, Great Britain and South America, and there are 150,000 members. The Sisterhood of Synagogue Emanu-El is a member of the Southern Branch of Women’s League in the United States.

The Mission of Sisterhood Emanu-El is to support our congregation, its youth and religious school and to strengthen Conservative Judaism in the home and Synagogue. We support and unite with Women’s League in the understanding and perpetuation of Conservative/Masorti Judaism.

We are committed to programs and activities that encourage participation and educate and instill a pride in Judaism. I invite you to join us and enjoy the fellowship of our members.

If you are not a member we invite you to join.

Want to pay your dues online?

Logging into ShulCloud to complete this form allows some fields to complete themselves and gives you the ability to access your credit card(s) on file with the synagogue.  Log in at the top right.  If you've forgotten your password, click here or contact the office at 843-571-3264.


Goals of the Sisterhood

  • Strengthen the Sisterhood.
  • Achieve our fundraising goals to benefit the Synagogue and it's Religious School.
  • Present interesting and stimulating Programs with Jewish content.
  • Provide educational opportunities for women.
  • Provide an opportunity for women to meet and socialize in a welcoming environment.

Programs & Fundraising Supported by the Sisterhood

  • Sisterhood/Men’s Club Brunch
  • Donor Program
  • Torah Fund Program
  • Sisterhood Shabbat
  • Ladies’ Night Out
  • Kitchen Fund
  • Business Meeting/ Elections-Installation of New Officers
  • General Fund
  • Monthly Book Club
Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785