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Synagogue Emanu-El Funds

If you have a question about a fund's purpose, please contact the synagogue office at (843) 571-3264.

Arnold Endowment Fund
Banov Adult Learning Fund
Bethe Rittenberg Social Action Fund
Cemetery Fund
Emanu-El Endowment Fund
Ethel & Jacob Cohen High Holiday Prayer Book Fund
Freda & Melvin Bluestein Fund for Religious School Scholarships
General Fund
Grush Shabbaton Fund
Israel & Rebecca Geldbart Fund
Joe Engel Holocaust Education Fund
L'Dor V'Dor Maintenance Fund
Landis Music Fund
Lenora & Nathan Goldberg Cultural Fund
Marvin H. Wolper Building Fund
Memorial Fund
Men's Club
Mickey and Patti Bagg Landscape Fund
Norton Seltzer-Sophie Lovinger Student Activities Fund
Prayer Book Fund
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Ray & Leah Greenberg Education Endowment Fund
Religious School Programs
Rose & Henry Koslow Minyan Fund (for Shabbat Kiddush luncheons)
Rose & Ted Levin Children's Educational Fund
Samuel Golembe Memorial Fund
Sisterhood Bereavement Fund
Sisterhood Kitchen Fund (for kitchen supplies)
Steinberg Chapel & Torah Fund
USY/Kadima Programs
Youth Fund
Zucker Kiddush & Oneg Fund (for special events)

Mon, October 14 2024 12 Tishrei 5785